animated gift

color splash Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thailand word

This is the work i´ve done with my classmade Lauren, about a 10 days long travel to thailand, based on "real information", found in the internet. We think that this is an awsome holiday planning, and that many people would like to do/try it too, well atleast we would .
Ps. (Ana, no se podia copiar el code HTML, para hacer lo de embed, asique te he puesto el link del documento que esta subido al scribd pero nose porque no me deja copiar el HTML... ) Muchas gracias i espero que te guste i nos pongas una very good mark :) Gina

Thursday, June 7, 2012



20 years ago people were beginning to know about the internet, but it was only in use for government agencies. In 1969 the Internt has its official origins, and it became offialy open to the public and the U.S Army.
Today we all can use the internet and its social media which is in there as well.

SOCIAL means a shoring of ideas, opinion, images etc.
MEDIA is a place where publications ocurr.
With this social media we have changed our society in different aspects.
We have changed our way of expressing our opinion, ideas, etc.(Our ideas spread fast). Also news, information etc. which some years ago needed days or weaks to spread, now takes seconds. Governments have changed with social media.(No longer will the expression of an opinion be able to be complitely silenced.)
The social media has changed economy and its structure. Nowadays you can buy everything on the internet(holidays, clothes, food, hauses...)
It has changed communication between people with sites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype etc. where we can all share opinion, ideas, pictures , chat with each other and also hold video conferences. This is a very positive aspect I think , because now we are able to communicate with people that life on the other side oft he world without difficulty.
Nowadays we have learned that with the internet and social media you can make alot of money and use it as tool for your buisness or company(making publicity, comunication etc.)

I think all these aspects and a lot more show us that the internet and social medias have changed and will continue changid our social structure.

Gina Kim Tiede 4ºD